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What is Fake News for $1000 Alex?

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12529035/You-completely-broke-Letter-Russell-Brand-accuser-wrote-comedian-allegedly-raped-against-wall-Los-Angeles-home-says-know-devil-underneath.html It’s amusing how predictably liberals attack their own. When openly liberal, married to Katie Perry (Liberal Whore), the left loved him. He was pulled into movies, loved 🥰, etc. Now he is critical of the left. He is also…

McCarthy Announces He Has Greenlit A Probe To Examine The Possibility Of Investigating Preliminary Meetings Into Whether Or Not They Should Begin To Consider The Future Likelihood Of Hypothetical Impeachment Hearings Sometime Later Down The Road


Fat Slob & Chicago Teachers’ Union President, Enthusiastic Hater Of Private Schools And School Choice, Reportedly Secretly Sends Own Child To Private School

https://www.zerohedge.com/political/chicago-teachers-union-president-hater-private-schools-and-school-choice-reportedly-sends BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, SEP 05, 2023 – 06:35 AM By Mark Glennon of Wirepoints Stacy Davis-Gates is undoubtedly Illinois’ most prominent and rabid opponent of school choice — and pretty much everybody and everything associated with it, all of…

Young Adults Meet the Reality of Liberal Democrat Anti-Growth Policy, and Utter Stupidity and Lies, At Literally Every Turn, for the Last Several Decades

  https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/western-world-about-deliver-some-very-bad-news-its-young-adults The Liberal Democrat policies of Carter, Clinton, Obama, and Biden, and Democrat Idiocy in general, finally have come home to roost for the youth.  How will they react?  Will they wake up?  Or will they call back asleep…

Categories Soaring

We did it! US 18m Class National Champion 2023 Uvalde, and a “3-Peat” Completing 3 National Championships in a Row!

https://www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/usa-18-meter-nationals-and-uvalde-glide-uvalde-garner-field-2023/results/18-meter/task-11-on-2023-08-25/total The final day was just short of a 400km racing task.  As they say in auto racing it’s often hard to take your foot off the gas and not push 100%, and it throws off your rhythm.  This was…

Categories Soaring

2023 USA 🇺🇸 18m Nationals Uvalde Results thru Day 3

Rest day today.  Results below (screenshot). Unofficial but VASTLY SUPERIOR SoaringSpot.com link here (SSA stubbornly refuses to use it): https://www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/usa-18-meter-nationals-and-uvalde-glide-uvalde-garner-field-2023/ UNUSABLE to public SSA link here (facepalm 🤦‍♂️): https://members.ssa.org/ContestResults.asp?contestId=2548&ContestDetailId=30437&ContestName=2023+18%2DMeter+Nationals&ContestDate=8/18/2023&ResultsUpdate=True  

Categories Soaring

Canadian Nationals Day 2 (Task 3) in the books

Congrats to Sergei and Jerzy and all.  Difficult day.  More reporting added here soon on the task itself.  Photos just below are approaching the top of first turn area with scattered heavy showers to navigate around…dicey! SEEYOU DATA – https://seeyou.cloud/flight/public/6iBA3secPdDgevpGEMDMfk#…

Categories Soaring

Day 4 Canadian Nationals

Great soaring weather today but a flooded airport forces another scrub of the day.  😢 Huge thanks to the SOSA club for hosting this contest.  They are doing everything they possibly can but a glider contest on a wet field…

Categories Soaring

Day 2 Canadian Nationals

We launched today (both classes) at 2pm!  But it was weak (barely soarable at first) and the days weather window was extremely tight with a forecasted collapse of soarable weather by 5pm and a minimum required task distance of 140km…

Categories RC Sailing

2023 DF95 Globals Results

Finding these results is EXTREMELY difficult considering the importance of this event in RC Sailing. This post is mainly a bookmark for me on this blog. It is amazing how people are allowing corrupt, censorship and propaganda ridden social media…

Categories RC Soaring

e-Medina 2m F3Res Maiden Flight

V and T joined me for the “maiden” flight today. The e-Medina (ARTF) was very easy to build, easy programming, excellent flying qualities. Needed literally zero trim. Slight to moderate down pitch with spoiler deployment. Needs a little elevator mix…

Categories RC Sailing

2023 Soling 1m NCR

This was my first time sailing the RC Soling. Fun boat. A little quirky, but good fun. Huge thanks to Mike and Peter Feldman for offering to loan me their spare boat and to Mike for fixing it up for…

Categories RC Sailing

Updating SVEA J 111

Lots of items to fix and repair on this boat since its delivery. 1) no lower lowers installed.2) mainsheet broke with field repair and lost its adjustability.3) no counterweight in jib boom. 4) no gravity protection for sheets over sail…