I despise the Useless Woke Liberal Democrat Communist TRANNY!!!

Yes, yes that feels better ๐Ÿ˜‚

Trannys are as disgusting as they are useless. They are intolerable. They are insane. Cutting off oneโ€™s genitals and/or trying, by wearing makeup, wigs, and ridiculous female clothing to pretend (aka lie, so poorly itโ€™s hilarious and sad) that by their own โ€œdecreeโ€ they are suddenly not their genetic sex ๐Ÿ˜‚ is INSANE. Enough of being censored ๐Ÿคฌ (even on Elons “free
X, probably because one of his kids is a fucked up California Tranny) for saying this perfect word, one of my favorite words, a hilarious word as it hits home with its perfect honesty, and sums up the woke liberal democrat TRANNY so perfectly. Letโ€™s say it all together on three โ€ฆ one, two, three… #TRANNY #TRANNYMANNY #ITSMAAM! #TRANNYTRANNYTRANNYTRANNYTRANNY ๐Ÿ˜‚ #YOUAINTFOOLINGANYBODYYOUDISGUSTINGTRANNYFREAK #FuckYourDelusionalPronounsTranny

letโ€™s reviewโ€ฆ