Meme of the Decade

Black American with a Brain 🧠 Celebrates Trumps Presidential Performance and Honesty and Mocks Black Democrats for Continuing to Mindlessly Carry Water for “White Master” Democrats, and Crying Like Bitches, and their obvious Hypocrisy. WATCH #HILARIOUS

The Truth About USAID and Why It’s Another OUT OF CONTROL Deep State Favorite Tool They Can’t Live Without

Little Whiney Bitch Liberal Low IQ Simps with Teslas Having Tantrums and Crying Like the Little Girls 👧 Over Elon Musk Giving Liberal Democrat Government Fraud Some Needed Sunlight ☀️

Yes friends liberal democrat cunts nationwide are getting a forced no anesthesia colonoscopy (I wonder would they, butt sex pedophile homo’s enjoy that procedure?) from Elon and oh yes he’s finding lots and lots of pesky polyps in the form of liberal democrat communist waste, fraud, and corruption! Liberals are cancer. Transparency and truth are the cure. #Elon #Doge #RealityFactsTruth ^ image above 👆 (Aka protect psychotic gay tranny pedophile CHILD RAPISTS…)

The Left Desperately Censors TRANNY humor because DEEP DOWN they all know leftists, democrats, and TRANNY TRANTARDS are FUCKING RIDICULOUS CUNTS

300, Tranny Edition

Tranny’s, gay liberals with blue hair, people who add their “pronouns” to their social media or correspondence. They are doing you a favor by so outwardly announcing their psychosis and moronic existence. Of course we are all free to be whatever we want to pretend to be. Their failure lies in their expecting those around them to believe their psychotic fantasy literally. To that we can all laugh 😂 and point, and ponder in amazement 🫢. #TrannysAintFoolingAnyone #EvenThemSelves #WhichIsWhyTheyAreAlwaysPsycho

These Liberal Democrat Academic are Completely Insane and Hilariously Ridiculous. Every Single One of Them. They Want You To Take Them Seriously. Never. #WokeLiberalKooks so-called #EliteAcademics 😂

USAID Worker (Thief) Anonymously Cries Like A Gay Bitch on (you guessed it) CBS News with that Ridiculous Excuse for a Journalist Woke Clown 🤡 Margaret Brennan

Trump Press Secretary Humiliates Woke CNN Clowns 🤡 Trying to Protect The Liberal democrat Deep States Final Clinging Moments…😂

Vicious Evil Feminist Sububus Cunt (That’s right I said Cunt) Blake Lively (Amber Heard 2.0) Runs to her Lawyer (with her SIMP husband Ryan Reynolds) with Sexual Harassment Claims (Almost Certainly 💯% FALSE) and boy oh boy are those False Claims “Coming Home To Roost 🐓” Very Quickly Now.

#400MillionLawsuit #PublicHatesReynoldsLivelySwift Just as the now infamous Amber Heard tried and failed, Blake Lively (and Ryan Reynolds) used ridiculous SH claims and hundreds of well-orchestrated & viscous lies in a clear (albeit poor) effort to fundamentally RUIN Justin Baldoni and his reputation (to profit). Consider that without angel billionaire Steve Sarowitz, who saw the Lively/Reynolds ruse and decided to help Baldoni. Without Sarowitz, Baldoni would today already be ruined in the public eye by the lapdog libtard Hollywood entertainment media programmed easily by Reynolds and Lively’s coordinated lies & full frontal repetitional attacks (to say nothing of their original goal of first, essentially, stealing his fucking movie project which he funded and started, lively was just an actress for F sake). Fuck Blake Lively, Fuck Ryan Reynolds, Fuck Taylor Swift, and Fuck the New York Times. #AmberHeard2.0 - The resemblance, and feminist bitchery and lies, are stunning...

Presidents Only Pardon Those Guilty Of Serious Federal Crimes PERIOD All of these pardons are a joke. Clearly they are guilty and clearly blanket pardons should not be allowed for those who have been protected from investigations and have not even been charged of a crime as of the time the (pre) pardon is issued. This kind of gaming of the system, hundreds of pardons including almost all of his direct (crime) family. This is a complete joke. This is a travesty. And ALL of these pre-pardons should be invalidated.