Liberal Media Lies, Fraud, Propaganda and ZERO CREDIBILITY
Little Whiney Bitch Liberal Low IQ Simps with Teslas Having Tantrums and Crying Like the Little Girls 👧 Over Elon Musk Giving Liberal Democrat Government Fraud Some Needed Sunlight ☀️

Yes friends liberal democrat cunts nationwide are getting a forced no anesthesia colonoscopy (I wonder would they, butt sex pedophile homo’s enjoy that procedure?) from Elon and oh yes he’s finding lots and lots of pesky polyps in the form of liberal democrat communist waste, fraud, and corruption! Liberals are cancer. Transparency and truth are the cure. #Elon #Doge #RealityFactsTruth ^ image above 👆 (Aka protect psychotic gay tranny pedophile CHILD RAPISTS…)
Well my Small Brained Low IQ Democrat Communist Friends, You Fucked with THE WRONG FUCKING MARINE! ITS REALLY OVER FOR YOU NOW. MAGA 🇺🇸.

All the bullshit, all the lies, all the theft, all the ridiculousness, it’s now over. FBI raid on DJT’s home, your banana republic desperate made up bullshit prosecutions, your criminal open borders stealing billions to import tens of millions of ILLEGAL ALIEN HARD CRIMINALS and SCUMBAGS as slaves, stealing TRILLIONS in taxpayer money, Lawfare, etc., etc. Fuck you, you fucking fucks, you stupid mother fucking useless cunts. We are just getting started with you now. Scorched Earth mother fuckers, We will massacre you, WE WILL FUCK YOU UP!
Leftists Democrats and Illegal Alien 👽 Mob Carrying Mexican Flag 🇲🇽 Beat and Nearly Kill American Man In Front of LA City Hall on Live Television 📺. Arrests? Felonies!

Leftist Democrats and Illegal Alien 👽 Invaders are Violent Lawless Scum and all should be imprisoned and/or deported and Tattooed with their Rap Sheet or Illegal Alien Scum across their fucking for heads. For Freedoms sake, For Glory’s Sake, …. WAR!
Liberal Democrats are SO FUCKING PATHETIC. And they always have been, and always will be… 🤦♂️

They are so cringe, so low IQ, so weird, so ridiculous, and so done that it’s now well beyond hilarious. Here even a CNN panel (a network so hollowed out by its own lies and bullshit that it will never again have even the slightest credibility) laughs uncontrollably on air after playing clips of recent Democrat “leaders” public appearances…
Presidents Only Pardon Those Guilty Of Serious Federal Crimes PERIOD All of these pardons are a joke. Clearly they are guilty and clearly blanket pardons should not be allowed for those who have been protected from investigations and have not even been charged of a crime as of the time the (pre) pardon is issued. This kind of gaming of the system, hundreds of pardons including almost all of his direct (crime) family. This is a complete joke. This is a travesty. And ALL of these pre-pardons should be invalidated.