Chinese Communist Are Pure Evil & 100% Corrupt
AI Tools Use Basic Genetics 🧬 to Prove the COVID-19 China 🇨🇳 Communist Party Cover Up of Their Obvious Lab Leak of their Fauci Funded Bio-Weapon Communist Gain of Function Fuck Up

If indictments and mother ducking guillotines are not rolled soon, in mass, to start executing anyone and EVERYONE involved with perpetuating this global fraud from China and (yes) the United States (see democrats and deep state), we are going to have a serious problem. #RealDonaldTrump #Elon #PamBondi #Guillotones #FiringSquads #TallBuildings #AllWillDo #ChopChop
More Overwhelming Evidence and Proof that China 🇨🇳 Communist Fauci “Gain of Function” Bat Lady 🦇 Virus & (perfect excuse for —>) mRNA Vaccine Mandates have Killed Millions of Otherwise Healthy Young Adults, and Keeps on Killing Us and the US Government is STILL Trying to Obfuscate These Obvious FACTS. Why? 🧐

Great channel, I strongly suggest that anyone with a brain (not liberal, democrat, or woke stupid) subscribes and watches regularly. The truth is simple. A great man (ex British Doctor) who sees they bullshit and feels compelled to show the world how fucked up and criminal this so-called pandemic and the forced mRNA response was…