Tranny’s are OBVIOUSLY MEN and Disgusting Psychos
300, Tranny Edition

Tranny’s, gay liberals with blue hair, people who add their “pronouns” to their social media or correspondence. They are doing you a favor by so outwardly announcing their psychosis and moronic existence. Of course we are all free to be whatever we want to pretend to be. Their failure lies in their expecting those around them to believe their psychotic fantasy literally. To that we can all laugh 😂 and point, and ponder in amazement 🫢. #TrannysAintFoolingAnyone #EvenThemSelves #WhichIsWhyTheyAreAlwaysPsycho
Well my Small Brained Low IQ Democrat Communist Friends, You Fucked with THE WRONG FUCKING MARINE! ITS REALLY OVER FOR YOU NOW. MAGA 🇺🇸.

All the bullshit, all the lies, all the theft, all the ridiculousness, it’s now over. FBI raid on DJT’s home, your banana republic desperate made up bullshit prosecutions, your criminal open borders stealing billions to import tens of millions of ILLEGAL ALIEN HARD CRIMINALS and SCUMBAGS as slaves, stealing TRILLIONS in taxpayer money, Lawfare, etc., etc. Fuck you, you fucking fucks, you stupid mother fucking useless cunts. We are just getting started with you now. Scorched Earth mother fuckers, We will massacre you, WE WILL FUCK YOU UP!
Total PR Disaster Meltdown at the “TOLERANT” DNC (Demiot National Committee Conference)

The fucks show us who they are every single day. Completely worthless. They are severely damaging. Drag. Losers. SCUM. We should deport all of these fools too. Article! Watch: UNREAL PR Disaster Erupts at DNC Summit | ZeroHedge Video of the chaos! lol.
I despise the Useless Woke Liberal Democrat Communist TRANNY!!!

Yes, yes that feels better 😂 Trannys are as disgusting as they are useless. They are intolerable. They are insane. Cutting off one’s genitals and/or trying, by wearing makeup, wigs, and ridiculous female clothing to pretend (aka lie, so poorly it’s hilarious and sad) that by their own “decree” they are suddenly not their genetic sex 😂 is INSANE. Enough of being censored 🤬 (even on Elons "freeX, probably because one of his kids is a fucked up California Tranny) for saying this perfect word, one of my favorite words, a hilarious word as it hits home with its perfect honesty, and sums up the woke liberal democrat TRANNY so perfectly. Let’s say it all together on three … one, two, three... #TRANNY #TRANNYMANNY #ITSMAAM! #TRANNYTRANNYTRANNYTRANNYTRANNY 😂 #YOUAINTFOOLINGANYBODYYOUDISGUSTINGTRANNYFREAK #FuckYourDelusionalPronounsTranny let’s review…
Presidents Only Pardon Those Guilty Of Serious Federal Crimes PERIOD All of these pardons are a joke. Clearly they are guilty and clearly blanket pardons should not be allowed for those who have been protected from investigations and have not even been charged of a crime as of the time the (pre) pardon is issued. This kind of gaming of the system, hundreds of pardons including almost all of his direct (crime) family. This is a complete joke. This is a travesty. And ALL of these pre-pardons should be invalidated.