Whenever you search something and are bombarded by leftist media all writing frothing stories about how Trump is wrong, you know damn well he is probably right. History is a bitch, huh democrats? Go ahead, search for yourselves “DEI cause of DC collision disaster” or whatever you choose. Any article or story which explores that question is suppressed and dozens of liberal writers at Democrat media shitholes with zero credibility are shoved down your throat and propped up as being credible. This is another example of democrats being embarrassed and afraid of being exposed. Their DEI push is blowing up in their faces and the public, despite their best efforts to obfuscate, are trained now to correlate DEI with massive incompetence in government now creeping into our important public services, institutions, schools, and even our largest corporations. https://youtu.be/UbUFGdEhHdA DEI is a joke, a disaster, and its tentacles are everywhere. Let’s grab our machetes and chop away and untangle this latest woke libtard psychotic disaster. see search results below…

My take on the Reagan Airport Mass Fatality Collision Between an American Airlines CRJ and a US Government Helicopter Last Evening. 67 Dead, Horribly.

Below is the sobering video of the impact/crash. 67 human lives going well to being dead in 15 seconds. https://youtu.be/Hr08v6_fRE0 Below is IMO the best guy on the internet for aviation crash details. He’s a current airline pilot so he’s compromised as he would lose his job for being to harsh (telling the whole truth), but he’s excellent nonetheless. https://youtube.com/watch?v=ouDAnO8eMf8&si=EehbQOxes_b_rRwv My thoughts… https://youtu.be/T_AlB5I-q_g

Van’s Aircraft Close To Bankruptcy

I have never seen a cheaper subset of people in aviation than the Van’s aircraft folks. I’ve listened to them argue some of the most ridiculously incoherent points when it comes to their view of what “affordable” aviation is. Van’s owners often openly scoff at certified aircraft or even slightly more expensive experimental aircraft as being “ridiculous.” Over time, I have slowly formed the opinion that many Vans owners (and fans) were idiots when it came to expectations and reality of aviation cost. I’m laughing a bit after watching the video below (Vans aircraft founder explaining the dire financial situation the company is experiencing) as I have never believed Van’s could ever sustain its business with such unrealistic attitudes from their own customers about the “fair” cost of building kits and airplanes in todays market with a complete disregard for the health of the very company they rely on for their aviation lifestyle. I’ve seen this before, sadly, I’ll see it again. #OhSweetIrony https://youtu.be/3Qsfw6pmHe4?si=7mAjxCEVd16r9p6N