Black American with a Brain 🧠 Celebrates Trumps Presidential Performance and Honesty and Mocks Black Democrats for Continuing to Mindlessly Carry Water for “White Master” Democrats, and Crying Like Bitches, and their obvious Hypocrisy. WATCH #HILARIOUS

Rogan Accurately Outlines USAIDs “LGBTQPEDOPHILE ⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 🦄 🤪” Easiest Mission Ever PsyOps & Brainwashing History

The Truth About USAID and Why It’s Another OUT OF CONTROL Deep State Favorite Tool They Can’t Live Without

Little Whiney Bitch Liberal Low IQ Simps with Teslas Having Tantrums and Crying Like the Little Girls 👧 Over Elon Musk Giving Liberal Democrat Government Fraud Some Needed Sunlight ☀️

Yes friends liberal democrat cunts nationwide are getting a forced no anesthesia colonoscopy (I wonder would they, butt sex pedophile homo’s enjoy that procedure?) from Elon and oh yes he’s finding lots and lots of pesky polyps in the form of liberal democrat communist waste, fraud, and corruption! Liberals are cancer. Transparency and truth are the cure. #Elon #Doge #RealityFactsTruth ^ image above 👆 (Aka protect psychotic gay tranny pedophile CHILD RAPISTS…)

300, Tranny Edition

Tranny’s, gay liberals with blue hair, people who add their “pronouns” to their social media or correspondence. They are doing you a favor by so outwardly announcing their psychosis and moronic existence. Of course we are all free to be whatever we want to pretend to be. Their failure lies in their expecting those around them to believe their psychotic fantasy literally. To that we can all laugh 😂 and point, and ponder in amazement 🫢. #TrannysAintFoolingAnyone #EvenThemSelves #WhichIsWhyTheyAreAlwaysPsycho

Democrats you probably shouldn’t have fucked with former DEMOCRAT Elon Musk. He has 400 Billion Dollars. He’s not stealing anything, he’s getting even by showing the world exactly who you are 😂. Your ridiculous party will NEVER recover. #Congratulations

You are all so moronically stupid I almost feel sorry for you, but then I think for a moment and ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LOVE THAT YOU'RE NOW GETTING A TINY FRACTION OF EXACTLY WHAT YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE 🖕 #GOFUCKYOURSELVES

Leavitt correctly states “Trump Administration is Shining its Light (aka Cauterization Gun) on the ROT” of the Woke Liberal Democrat SHITHOLE

The democrat (always with a small d) Federal government and its unaccountable bureaucracy's are a “clear and present danger” to TRUE FREE DEMOCRACY. Remember when they constantly said “OUR DEMOCRACY” is under attack. Yep, it is mother fuckers. Prepare for glory.

Trump Press Secretary Humiliates Woke CNN Clowns 🤡 Trying to Protect The Liberal democrat Deep States Final Clinging Moments…😂

Well my Small Brained Low IQ Democrat Communist Friends, You Fucked with THE WRONG FUCKING MARINE! ITS REALLY OVER FOR YOU NOW. MAGA 🇺🇸.

All the bullshit, all the lies, all the theft, all the ridiculousness, it’s now over. FBI raid on DJT’s home, your banana republic desperate made up bullshit prosecutions, your criminal open borders stealing billions to import tens of millions of ILLEGAL ALIEN HARD CRIMINALS and SCUMBAGS as slaves, stealing TRILLIONS in taxpayer money, Lawfare, etc., etc. Fuck you, you fucking fucks, you stupid mother fucking useless cunts. We are just getting started with you now. Scorched Earth mother fuckers, We will massacre you, WE WILL FUCK YOU UP!

CNN (so pathetic 🤦‍♂️) Just a Few Short Weeks Ago Having Another DEEP STAGE 5 TRUMP DERANGEMENT “moment” (still an almost constant fixture).

Fuck CNN fuck anyone who watches CNN, believes CNN. #Freaks

It’s a very simple question.

When will the trail of the 52 “Intelligence” so-called “experts” 😂 who banded together and insisted that the Hunter “Burisma Crackpipe Whore Menu” Biden’s Laptop 💻 was Russian “Misinformation” (30 days before his a presidential election which featured his senile corrupt treason/felon father” began? If these “frauds” are found guilty, is a rusty Guillotine the right tool and should these public executions broadcasted internationally on live tv? I vote 1) YES!!! and 2) YES YES YES


Whenever you search something and are bombarded by leftist media all writing frothing stories about how Trump is wrong, you know damn well he is probably right. History is a bitch, huh democrats? Go ahead, search for yourselves “DEI cause of DC collision disaster” or whatever you choose. Any article or story which explores that question is suppressed and dozens of liberal writers at Democrat media shitholes with zero credibility are shoved down your throat and propped up as being credible. This is another example of democrats being embarrassed and afraid of being exposed. Their DEI push is blowing up in their faces and the public, despite their best efforts to obfuscate, are trained now to correlate DEI with massive incompetence in government now creeping into our important public services, institutions, schools, and even our largest corporations. DEI is a joke, a disaster, and its tentacles are everywhere. Let’s grab our machetes and chop away and untangle this latest woke libtard psychotic disaster. see search results below…

US Treasury Head David Lebryk RESIGNED Rather Then COMPLY with DOGE Audit. Probably ran to country with no US extradidion agreement. Deploy NAVY SEALS to go get his fucking ass.

The corruption of the Biden Administration (powered by the DNC and run by who the fuck knows) is LEGENDARY. Heads must roll. We need thousands of industrial-grade GUILLOTINES fast—much, much work to do. Investigate, Indict, Prosocute, Sentence, and Deliver JUSTICE. These fucking liberal democrat scum must not be allowed to get away with their almost endless political frauds, crimes, and corruption.

Your Move Barking Angry Libtard Cunts

Political violence threatening libtards here is the red line. Go for it. Liberals, in general, make January 6th look like a joke (which it was). 2020 riots, assassination attempts, billions of online threats, ANTIFA, BLM, shooting of republicans playing softball, senators directly threatening Supreme Court members, it's not even close.

Hard Core Liberal Democrats (50 million or so) are absolutely insane and need to be locked in prison for intense de-programming (but we all know its too late for them)

Selma 'Bloody Sunday' scene with 'Make America Great Again' inscribed featured on Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts billboards

I despise the Useless Woke Liberal Democrat Communist TRANNY!!!

Yes, yes that feels better 😂 Trannys are as disgusting as they are useless. They are intolerable. They are insane. Cutting off one’s genitals and/or trying, by wearing makeup, wigs, and ridiculous female clothing to pretend (aka lie, so poorly it’s hilarious and sad) that by their own “decree” they are suddenly not their genetic sex 😂 is INSANE. Enough of being censored 🤬 (even on Elons "freeX, probably because one of his kids is a fucked up California Tranny) for saying this perfect word, one of my favorite words, a hilarious word as it hits home with its perfect honesty, and sums up the woke liberal democrat TRANNY so perfectly. Let’s say it all together on three … one, two, three... #TRANNY #TRANNYMANNY #ITSMAAM! #TRANNYTRANNYTRANNYTRANNYTRANNY 😂 #YOUAINTFOOLINGANYBODYYOUDISGUSTINGTRANNYFREAK #FuckYourDelusionalPronounsTranny let’s review…

Presidents Only Pardon Those Guilty Of Serious Federal Crimes PERIOD All of these pardons are a joke. Clearly they are guilty and clearly blanket pardons should not be allowed for those who have been protected from investigations and have not even been charged of a crime as of the time the (pre) pardon is issued. This kind of gaming of the system, hundreds of pardons including almost all of his direct (crime) family. This is a complete joke. This is a travesty. And ALL of these pre-pardons should be invalidated.